Qoya Workshop – Softness
Qoya Workshop – Softness
QOYA workshop, in this workshop we will invite in the superpower of SOFTNESS and how to focus more on our inner strengths rather than our outer being.
Give yourself permission to expand into the capacity of SOFTNESS within yourself.Move away from the paradigm of needing to achieve more but never quite being able to do ‘enough’Allow yourself the space to venture into your inner world where our deep self respect is built. Slow down to feel more.
Qoya is based on the idea that through movement, we remember our essence is wise, wild and free.
Wise, wild and free comes from the movement pillars we practice:
WISE: From the wisdom of yogaWILD: Through the creative expression of your danceFREE: the freedom to expand into feeling good in your body through feminine movement.
Through each pillar of QOYA we return home to our bodies by remembering how to trust our inner wisdom as our sacred guide, embody our soul, and live a life aligned with our truth by following our intuition.
Through each pillar of QOYA we return home to our bodies by remembering how to trust our inner wisdom as our sacred guide, embody our soul, and live a life aligned with our truth by following our intuition.
There is no prior experience required. If you can move, you can QOYA! There is simply no way to do Qoya wrong. The way you know you’re doing it right is when the movement feels good to YOU!
Sarah Duigou
2:00pm – September 30 (Saturday)
Class length: 2 hours
2:00pm – September 30 (Saturday)
Class length: 2 hours
Location: Casco Yoga Panama with Sarah Duigou
Investment $ 30 or $ 25 recurrence
When: Satuday September 30th form 2 – 4 pm